Computer Vision
Feature and marker recognition and characterization
Location System
Highly accurate feature positioning
and image location
Device Design
Automated routing of nanostructures
to bond pads or vias on a substrate
Technologies to solve problems at the nanoscale
Nanomation™ has invested in technologies to address unique issues related to nanomaterials, but they are also applicable to generic challenges when working at nanoscale.
Computer vision neural networks were designed to find and characterize nanowires and were later applied to other nanostructures. Derived networks can be used to find and assess manufacturing defects or to automate the production of nanoscale devices.
LithoTag™ fiducial markers were invented to accurately locate nanocomponents on a substrate, but their manufacturability and configurability makes them generally appropriate for advanced microscopy, manufacturing and quality control.
Our device design tool was created to route nanowires to bonding pads so that they can replace the analogue components of sensor devices. However, it will evolve to automate more parts of the chip design such as transistors and qubits.
Our technologies are evolving
At Nanomation™ we are not staying still, but continue to develop new technologies to address specific customer needs. If you are interested in a new technology or a new use case, please contact us.